A book review of Luke Fletcher's fabulous autobiography, 'Tales From The Front Line'.

Luke Fletcher's book 'Tales From The Front Line' is published by pitoh publishing agency. It follows a long line of successful autobiographies published by the company. It begins with a wonderfully written recap of his childhood and journey to cricket. It isn't loaded with vivid detail and long and challenging to navigate, instead it is blunt and straight to the point, making for quick fluid and easy reading. Fletcher jumps between describing moments and characters of his journey to interviews with said characters. This seamless progression back and forth is largely independant compared to other cricket autobiographies but its uniquness adds a quirky edge which is in keeping with the character and descriptiveness of the book and the way Fletcher writes.

A funny and open character, as Fletcher's book progresses through his career you get a complete sense of his character in the quirky blunt and humorous way he recounts hilarious moments from his past. The book maintains its seamless transition between stories and interviews and is always comfortably able to switch back to seriousness following a run of lighthearted stories, a true testament not only to Fletcher's writing but also his real life character. The mid way through photos offer a central navigation connecting all the stories you've read and put a picture to the face of all the characters and moments listed in his tales. He breaks up his stories well in short sharp chapters which makes the book easy to read but also stops it from merging into one confusing blob on separate tales. I found it a real page turner as you would be reaching the end of a page or chapter thinking 'I'm going to put it down now.' and then he would hint to or mention something else and I would then think 'well maybe i could read more about this.' and once again I'd be lured into another ten minutes of concentrated reading.

So, would I recommend reading this book?
It is what I would describe as a must read. It is beautifully written in a plain, simple and blunt manner which is both humorous but also fluid. It seamlessly transitions between interviews and stories in an also equally fluid and easy to read manner. It merges the funny and the serious in brilliant style and gives you a full and complete taste of all the cricketing world, and Luke Fletcher's role in it, has to offer. It is a constant page turner which will lure you away from a quick ten minute stint reading to a full half hour to maybe a full hour. Its break down of chapters and use of two sections of photos makes the book easy to navigate, takes it away from a confusing blob of words and places names to faces. It really is a beautifully written book which i would one hundred percent recommend a read of.
If you are interested in purchasing this book than get in contact via sptsandys@gmail.com or 0858057422.